A Mozart coffee mug, a Beethoven coffee mug, a Wagner coffee mug and a Verdi coffee mug. Soon there are hundreds combinations of many portraits and of many composers.
The Mozart coffee mug, the Beethoven coffee mug, the Wagner coffee mug and the Verdi coffee mug. Only eight portraits are represented here but all of them you will find on a coffee mug. These are the "representatives" of only one composers calendar out of 20. Can you imagine how many coffee mugs and coffee cups would result if you multiply each portrait by all the composers on each coffee mug and coffee cup?
Clicking here will first take you to the store portal and from there you will continue, for example, to the coffee cups and coffee mugs. The best at "Zazzle". Here you get to all shops.
The 1985 Historic Bach Beer Stein and the actual pipe organ calendar.
On the left it is a composers calendar, on the right it is a composers calendar ... and both are cool music gifts. Here you get to the shop.
On the left a music calendar, which is also a Bach calendar. It is the Haußmann portrait that is painted in different styles by different artists. On the right is the Little Bach Figure.
Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at) bach4you.de