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Exciting Websites on the Internet ... From Me for You



Anna Magdalena Bach, Johann Sebastian Bach's second wife, and his first son, whom Johann Sebastian Bach had together with his first wife, Maria Barbara, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, are two exciting topics that Bach on Bach pays very special attention to. The cooperation with two Bach scientists, one of them also a top musician in Leipzig, led to a relaunch of the two matching FAQ. Of course, the English FAQ The Truth About Anna Magdalena Bach is also completely revised, and the same happened with the probably most detailed website about Bach's son WFB: The Truth About Wilhelm Friedemann Bach.



If you are a wine fan, then the website The Wine Snob is a cool destination when you surf. There are endless things to know there. And that for advanced and also for beginners ... in the matter of wine.



Are you interested in pipe organs? Then here's the ultimate tip: Maybe you don't know Martin Doering's Die Orgelseite yet. And it's definitely worth a visit: You'll encounter around 23,000 photos there, about 15,000 of which are in high resolution. Martin Doering presents 6,000 organs in 82 countries and offers 11,000 organ music titles for download. Of course there is an English section, too.



An additional "jewel" is what I have found for you on the internet. There is the website and the offer Bach by Bike. It is addressed to such Bach fans who would like to get to know the life path, or rather a part of the life path of Johann Sebastian Bach by bike and as a guided tour with a rich musical offer. The English counterpart is of course called the same and with a click here you can get there. Have a look there. 



Christian Hoske is a crucially important person in our Johann Sebastian Bach Mission. We have him to thank for finding the link to the Bindersleben line of the Bache. And the Bachs from Bindersleben belong to the musical family of the Thomas Cantor. Christian has become our friend and if you are stuck with your research, he is the best option. Above you will find his website, here you will find the English section. Christian Hoske's latest offer is for amateur genealogists who want to help others in the future: How to Become a professional is the name of the page. Unfortunately, it is only available in German. 



We both, Peter and I, earn our money by working with newspaper publishers, breweries and exactly one forwarding agency. For this Forwarding Agency Rüdinger in Krautheim, Hohenlohe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany we put together shows to inform interested parties and customers, we take pictures, and we create and maintain the entire websites. Thus, we also created a website that exclusively describes the machine transport, in which the company is a market leader in Europe. A special website was also created for potential customers from abroad. A main focus of the company is the transport of general cargo, where the logistic company cooperates with several online cooperations.



Bach Gifts, Music Gifts and Gifts for Musicians


Two music calendars, one for children and one for grownups. There is a total of 99 music calendars: 33 Bach calendars, 33 composers calendars and 33 music calendars. All come in three sizes. 2023 + 2024.


A composers calendar on the left: It would be 100 percent traditional, if there wasn't the blue color in the background. On the right side is a music T-shirt. All calendars come in three sizes. 2023 + 2024. To the shop.


Please support our Bach Mission … learn more.


The Bach beer stein on the left and the pipe organ calendar on the right. More precisely, it is the Bach beer stein from 1985 and the current pipe organ calendar.



Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at)