The 1985 Bach Beer Stein, the 2000 Bach Beer Stein and the Bach Beer Steins 2022, 2023, 2024 ... 


On the left, the Bach beer stein from 1985, almost antique. In the middle, the Bach beer stein from 2000, definitely a historical beauty. And on the right, one of the Bach beer steins that "Bach 4 You" offers today: And there are many, really many.



There Are Dozens of Actual Designs on New Bach Beer Steins


Bach 4 You can offer you even two historical Bach beer steins. Plus: Bach 4 You also has cool "modern" beer steins: beer steins with historical design, colorful and beige, modern and traditional, cartoon style and decorated with engraving. And why is that? It works because we cooperate with very special internet portals.


There are four companies that specialize in offering hundreds of cool gifts that combine just that and the artwork of many, many creatives and artists. So ... Zazzle – one of those companies – "invents" such a modern beer stein, Bach 4 You adds a portrait of Johann Sebastian.... and tadaa.... there is another, now current, Bach beer stein, which, by the way, is new, not pre-owned. As to what the historic Bach beer steins are "second hand".


Imagine that: For Peter's project Bach on Bach and the other Bach sister websites like Johann Sebastian Bach for Children and just a very little time later also the website Bach in Wechmar he collected dozens or better hundreds of cool designs about the composer from Thuringia. This resulted in cool designs for all kinds of music gifts, like for the Bach beer stein, better for the modern Bach beer stein, as a by-product ... so to speak. "Tons" of Bach portraits, "truckloads" of Bach motifs. Bach 4 You put them on the offered beer steins, making them Bach beer steins. The names and links to these "Bach 4 You" stores can be found on this page under the Bach beer stein examples and under the six free add-ons (.... what's that now?) And now have fun exploring this page and all the other websites within our common Bach Mission.


It would be boring if we would show you every Bach beer stein here that we offer in our stores on the internet. To find the perfect one, it would be best if you visit all stores shortly. You can only buy the historical Bach beer stein, the one from the year 2000 and the one from the year 1985 at "Bach 4 You" in the Publishing House Shop and that directly from me. Not through the internet platforms as listed below. In fact, when you purchase one of the historic Bach beer steins, you will also get eight six free precious add-ons. What if you explore these six add-ons right now? Right, with a test listening or a test reading? You can do that with a click into the store. And there, please click on the matching "department".


The Six Free Add-Ons: You Get Them With Your Purchase of a Historic Bach Beer Stein


This is the collection of "goodies" and you get all six of them when you buy the 2000 Bach Beer Stein or the 1985 Bach Beer Stein.



At Zazzle and at Spreadshirt You Get the "Modern" Bach Beer Steins 


In these online stores you can find not only the Bach beer stein in cool designs and with great decors, but also the Bach mug and the Bach cup. And there we are also very creative in terms of music T-shirts ....  in fact there are "tons" of hip and stylish, and also conservative music T-shirts that "Bach 4 You" offers. With one click here you can learn more.



10,000+ Music Gifts and Gifts for Musicians


Two composers calendars, two music calendars, one Bach calendar. Always three sizes. 2023 + 2024.


Would you have known it? The Publishing Shop of "Bach 4 You" is most likely the retailer that offers the most Bach figures, Bach figurines, Bach statues, Bach busts, Bach tin figures, Bach figures from the Ore Mountains and finally also the Little Bach Figure. And then, at the time we arranged this group photo, the very smallest Bach bust did not yet exist at all. So ... we ( ! ) ... hadn't found it yet. To the shop.


Mr. Beethoven and Mr. Mozart joined the party, and we found erasers that look just like miniature busts. Please note that the candies are not included with the purchase of our largest busts or our smallest busts of the three masters of Classical Music. However ... you do get the largest composer busts with the six free add-ons. Learn more in the Publisher's Store.


One more super cool Bach calendar on the left and the Little Bach Figure on the right. There are 33 Bach calendars, very traditional ones, too. All come in three sizes. 2024 + 2025.



Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at)